This verbal communication model has been referred to as "a linear and Uni-directional process", "a one-way process", an "action model", a media theory "classic", "widely used segmentation of the communication process", and "a simple, linear, and potentially hypodermic conceptualization of communication." The model organizes the "scientific study of the process of communication". The main focus of the model is broken down by each element of communication: who' refers to the communicator who formulates the message; 'what' is the content of message; 'channel' indicates the medium of transmission; 'whom' describes either an individual recipient or the audience of mass communication; 'effect' is the outcome of the message..." The movement of the message travels from the communicator to the audience. Although this model represents a one-way flow of communication, the "effect" also refers to feedback in public relations. The model can be used in pedagogical settings to teach students major elements of a communication process and as a starting point for developing hypotheses. Lasswell stated that the "Who" referred to "control analysis", the "Says What" referred to "content analysis", the "In Which Channel" referred to "media analysis", the "To Whom" referred to "audience analysis", and the "With What Effect" referred to "effect analysis".
Control Analysis
Says What?
Content Analysis
In Which Channel?
Media Analysis
To Whom?
Audience Analysis
With What Effect?
Effects Analysis
Developments and criticisms
"The Structure and Function of Communication in Society" was reprinted in 1949, 1960, 1966, and 1971. However, the questions and the model did not change. George Gerbner, the founder of the cultivation theory, expanded Lasswell's model in 1956 to focus "attention on perception and reaction by the perceiver and the consequences of the communication". In 1958, Richard Braddock suggested that the model be expanded to consider two additional elements that Braddock argued it ignored: "for what purpose" and "under what circumstances". Braddock's model is more applicable to cultivation theory. According to media scholar Michael Real: "subsequent attempts to add an 'entertainment' function and an 'advertising' function fail to capture Lasswell's intent but provide the largest 'use and gratification' cited by, for example, television viewers." In 1993, communication scholars Denis McQuail and Sven Windahl referred to Lasswell's model as "perhaps the most famous single phrase in communication research." McQuail and Windahl also considered the model as a formula that would be transformed into a model once boxes were drawn around each element and arrows connected the elements. In 1995, Stanley Baran and Dennis Davis recognized it a verbal model of the communication process. In 2008, Greenberg and Salwen acknowledged that Lasswell's model of communication has been widely adopted, but expressed: "Although Lasswell's model draws attention to several key elements in the mass communication process, it does no more than describe general areas of study. It does not link elements together with any specificity, and there is no notion of an active process."