Langara Light

The Langara Point Lighthouse is a manned lighthouse located atop a scenic bluff on the northwest corner of Langara Island. It is one of only two lighthouses in Haida Gwaii – the other being at Cape St. James, at the southern tip of the islands. Both were built in 1913.
During World War II, the lighthouse was painted camouflage green and a radar station was built here to monitor the North Pacific.
The original light, still in use today, is a first-order Fresnel lens manufactured by Chance Brothers of England. Each side of the lens is over 8’ tall and 5’ wide with a focal length of 3’
The lighthouse is easily seen from the water and tours are possible via helicopter. Guests to Langara Island can enjoy a 1-2 hour tour of the lighthouse and its surrounding grounds, usually including a trip up to the top of the light tower, as well as coffee or tea with the lightkeepers.
