Lammersville Joint Unified School District

Lammersville Unified School district is a pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade unified school district in Mountain House, California, which serves the area west of Tracy and parts of Alameda County. The district was created when majority of voters in the Lammersville and Mountain House area passed a measure to separate from Tracy Unified School District in a special election on June 8, 2010. It became an independent school district on July 1, 2011.

District office

The district opened a 7,000-square-foot new district office on 111 S. DeAnza Blvd.


Lammersville Elementary School District started out as one-school school district and was established in 1876. Its biggest growth started in 2005 when the Mountain House community was established. Lammersville Joint Unified School District has plans for 12 K-8 schools and one comprehensive high school, with up to 10,000 total students. The district currently serves 5,955 students in the six K-8 schools and High School.
