
Leelkase or Leelkase or Lelkase is a subclan of the tanade clan which is also subclan of Somali Darod clan.


The term "Leelkase" is a Somali nickname, which translates as "farsighted, mindful, smart, very intelligent".
Members of the Leelkase clan primarily inhabit the north-central Mudug region of Somalia.Primarily in the city of Galdogob, bandar-bayla, eyl, iskushuban, qandala, ceelaayo, garowe, kismaanyo, luuq, jijjiga, gaarisa and Galkacyo Others can also be found in the HamarWeyne district of Benadir, Bari, Nugal, Gedo, and Lower Juba regions.

Clan tree

In the south central part of Somalia the World Bank shows the following clan tree: current population of leelkase in Galdagob is 129 and leelkase around the world is 3579.
leelkase is divided into:
maxamed muumin is divided into:
Xirsi muumin is divided into :
In Puntland the World Bank shows the following: