Lac Sainte-Anne du Nord

Lac Sainte-Anne du Nord is a body of fresh water located in Grands-Jardins National Park, northeast of the city of Quebec, in the unorganized territory of Lac-Pikauba, in the Charlevoix, in the administrative region of Capitale-Nationale, in the province of Quebec, in Canada. The current of the Sainte-Anne River crosses this lake to the southwest over its full length.
The hydrographic side of Lac Sainte-Anne du Nord is served by a secondary forest road linked to the north at route 381, for forestry purposes. Forestry is the main economic activity in this valley; recreational tourism, second.
Because of the altitude, the surface of Lac Sainte-Anne du Nord is generally frozen from the end of November to the beginning of April; however, safe circulation on the ice is generally done from the beginning of December until the beginning of April.


Lac Sainte-Anne du Nord is encased between mountains whose proximity peaks reach to the northwest, to the southeast and to the northeast. Its mouth is located at:
Lac Sainte-Anne du Nord has a length of in the shape of a rectangle with rounded corners, a maximum width of and an altitude of. This lake is mainly fed by the outlet of the Sainte-Anne river and by the outlet of Lac Grâce.
From the dam at the mouth of Lake Sainte-Anne du Nord, the current descends on first to the southwest, south, then southwest, in following the course of the Sainte-Anne river, which crosses downtown Beaupré, to the northwest shore of the Saint-Laurent river.


This toponymic designation appears on regional map number 3-East, section 23 NW, from 1943 and on the draft of the map of Saint-Urbain, 1958-12-17, item 73. The origin of the name of Lac Sainte-Anne du Nord comes from that of the river which was originally called Rivière Sainte-Anne du Nord. This toponymic designation was approved on April 3, 1959, by the Commission de géographie du Québec. In 1982, the name was changed to Rivière Sainte-Anne to reflect popular usage which omitted the cardinal point. Grand lac Sainte-Anne, Grand lac Sainte-Anne du Nord, Lac Sainte-Anne and Rivière Sainte-Anne du Nord are the variants of this official name.
The toponym "Lac Sainte-Anne du Nord" was formalized on December 5, 1968, at the Place Names Bank of the Commission de toponymie du Québec.

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