La Vendetta (film)
La Vendetta The Vendetta, is a French comedy film from 1962, directed by Jean Chérasse, written by Albert Valentin, starring Francis Blanche and Louis de Funès. The film was known under the titles: "Bandito sì... ma d'onore", "The Vendetta".Cast
- Francis Blanche : Le capitaine Bartoli, a candidate for the town hall
- Louis de Funès : Valentino Amoretti, the robber of honour and father of Antonia
- Marisa Merlini : the postal worker
- Olivier Hussenot : Mr Lauriston, the gentle rentier
- Jean Lefebvre : Colombo, a supporter of Bartoli
- Rosy Varte : Mrs Marthe Lauriston, wife of the rentier
- Jean Hoube : Michel Lauriston, the nephew
- Christian Mery : the teacher, supporter of Bartoli
- Charles Blavette : Sosthène, a supporter of Corti
- Noël Rochiccioli : Colonna
- Juan Vilato : the partisan singer of Mr Lauriston
- Geneviève Galéa : Antonia Amoretti, the daughter
- Jacqueline Pierreux : the tourist, friend of captain
- Elisa Mainardi : daughter of Bastia
- Mario Carotenuto : Corti, a candidate for the town hall
- Jacqueline Doyen :
- Tintin pasqualini :