La Unión (canton)

La Unión is the third canton in the province of Cartago in Costa Rica. The canton covers an area of, and has a population of 85,506.
The capital city of the canton is Tres Ríos.


La Unión is a compact canton situated midway between the national capital of San José and the former colonial capital city of Cartago.


The canton of La Unión is subdivided into eight districts
  1. Tres Ríos
  2. San Diego
  3. San Juan
  4. San Rafael
  5. Concepción
  6. Dulce Nombre
  7. San Ramón
  8. Río Azul


La Unión was first mentioned as a canton in a decree dated December 7, 1848.


The Lycée Franco Costaricien, a French international school, is in Tres Ríos District, La Unión.