La Scie Air Station

La Scie Air Station was a General Surveillance Gap Filler Radar station in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, It was located east-northeast of St.John's, Near La Scie. It was closed in 1961.


The site was established in 1957 as a manned Gap Filler radar station, built by the United States Air Force, under operational control of Saint Anthony Air Station and part of Pinetree Line of Ground-Control Intercept radar sites.
The station was assigned to Aerospace Defense Command in 1957, and was given designation "N-26B". Aerospace Defense Command stationed the 642d Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron at the station in 1957. It operated an AN/FPS-14 manned Gap Filler search radar.
As a manned Gap Filler base, the 921st's role was to guide interceptor aircraft toward unidentified intruders picked up on the unit's radar scopes. These interceptors were assigned to the 64th Air Division at Goose AFB, Labrador.

USAF units and assignments
