La Gomera (DO)

La Gomera is a Spanish Denominación de Origen Protegida for wines that covers the entire island of La Gomera comprising the six municipalities of San Sebastián de la Gomera, Hermigua, Agulo, Vallehermoso, Valle Gran Rey and Alajeró. It obtained its official status in 2009.

Climate and Geography

La Gomera is a very mountainous island and cultivation of vines is difficult and laborious. The vines are planted in terraces on steep slopes with walls built of stone. Traditionally the vines were left to grow along the ground, but vines have been trained along trellises.

Vineyards and Wineries

There are currently around 125 ha planted to vines and registered with the Regulatory Council of the DOP and around 150 grapegrowers and 7 wineries registered.

Authorised Grape Varieties

The authorised grape varieties are:
The Regulatory Council also controls other criteria such as: