Kuttanpillayude Sivarathri is a 2018 Indian Malayalam-language drama film directed by Jean Markose and produced by Raji Nandakumar through production studio Alanghat Productions. The film set in the backdrop of Puttingal temple fire. The film stars Suraj Venjaramoodu, Biju Sopanam and Srinda in the lead roles. Other co-lead roles are done by Mithun Ramesh, Asha Sreekanth, Ramya Suresh, and popular temple percussionist Shilpa Sreekumar. The movie also marks playback singer Sayanora Philip's debut music directorial. Fazil Nassar is the cinematographer and Shibish K Chandran is the editor.
Plachottil Kuttan Pillai is a strong willed policeman. He lives a contented life with his wife Sub-Inspector Shakunthala, and looking after his backyard farm. They have three children, all married and settled. A party of his relatives - his children, their spouses and extended family - converge at his humble home to attend the annual Shivarathri festival attached to the famous Shiva Temple in the neighborhood. However, the festive mood is embroiled with selfish objectives of the sons-in-law blowing off Pillai's peaceful domestic life. His son-in-law Suneesh wants to cut the big Jack Fruit tree in Kuttan Pillai's home for making furnitures for his new house but Kuttanpilla rejects this. Suneesh makes fight with Kuttan Pilla and he leaves the house with his wife and children. Next day, when Kuttan Pillai is roaming in his home surrounding, suddenly a jack fruit falls in his head from the tree and he dies. He then becomes a ghost and along with some other ghosts watches what is going to happen in his house after his death. Meanwhile, Kuttan pillai comes to know that all other ghosts are the victims of Temple Fire accident, which occurred on Shivarathri day. Suneesh tries to cut the tree soon after Kuttan Pillai's funeral, by seeing this Kuttan Pillai seems worried. But soon he sees his wife stopping him cutting the tree with a harsh warning which makes Kuttan Pillai happy.
On 13 February 2018, the crew of the movie had announced the Whistle Guess Contest aka #WhistleGuess Contest where the audience get a chance to guess the singer who is heard whistling throughout the first look motion poster of the movie released earlier. The guess had to be commented below the video content on the official movie page. On 21 February 2018, during the audio launch event of the movie actorIndrajith Sukumaran had announced Manoj KV as the winner after randomly selecting his name from the lucky dip. The right answer was singer Job Kurian and the winner of the contest gets a chance to watch the premiere show of Kuttanpillayude Sivarathri along with the movie crew in Dubai.