
Kulich is a Slavic Orthodox Easter bread that has its roots in Kievan Rus. The Paska bread tradition spread in cultures which were connected to the Byzantine Empire and its a traditional cultural part of countries with an Orthodox Christian population. It is eaten in countries like Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Georgia, Moldova, North Macedonia and Serbia. Kulich is a variant of paska Easter breads and represents not only Easter but also the spring.
Easter is a very important celebration in Eastern European countries, even more important than Christmas.
Traditionally after the Easter service, the kulich, which has been put into a basket and decorated with colorful flowers, is blessed by the priest. Blessed kulich is eaten before breakfast each day. Any leftover kulich that is not blessed is eaten with paskha for dessert.
Kulich is baked in tall, cylindrical tins. When cooled, kulich is decorated with white icing and colorful flowers. Historically, it was often served with cheese paska bearing the symbol ХВ.
Kulich is only eaten between Easter and Pentecost.
The recipe for kulich is similar to that of Italian panettone.