Kuara, West Bengal

Kuara is a village in Katwa II CD block in Katwa subdivision of Purba Bardhaman district in West Bengal, India.


Kuara is located about 22 km from Katwa.


As per the 2011 Census of India Kuara had a total population of 4,885, of which 2,556 were males and 2,229 were females. Population below 6 years was 526. The total number of literates in Kuara was 3,129.


Three primary schools are situated in Kuara: Dangapara FPA school and Kuara Doltala or Battala FPA School and kuara danga FPA school.


The most famous festival in this village is "Baba Dharmaraj Puja". Holi is another festival of Kuara And Eid also.

Famous places