Książka i Wiedza

Książka i Wiedza is a Polish publishing house founded in 1948, soon after World War II.
In communist Poland it was the leading state publisher of books about politics and history, with Marxist-Leninist leanings. It published, for the first time in Stalinist Poland, the works of Joseph Stalin.
Książka i Wiedza now publishes non-fiction popular science books for the general reader, encyclopedias, dictionaries, history, philosophy, economy and self-help books on physical and psychological wellness. Its popular authors include Max Weber, Karl Raimund Popper, Bertrand Russell, Ludwik Bazylow, Andrzej Zahorski, Henryk Samsonowicz, Nina Andrycz, and Jacek Pałkiewicz.
Its current editor-in-chief and president is Włodzimierz Gałąska.