Krystyna Lenkowska

Krystyna Lenkowska is a Polish poet and translator of Anglo-Saxon literature.

Career as a writer

Her poems, fragments of prose, translations, essays, notes and interviews have been published in literary magazines in Poland including: Akcent, Fraza, Nowa Okolica Poetów, Odra, Pobocza, Pracownia, Przekrój, Topos, Twórczość, Tygiel, Wyspa, Zeszyty Literackie, and Znad Wilii. In the US, in Ewa Hryniewicz-Yarbrough’s translation, some of her poems have appeared in Absinthe, Boulevard, Chelsea, Confrontation, The Normal School, and Spoon River Poetry Review. In Ukraine, she debuted in Pektoral and in the anthology The Poems of Kraków, in Evgen Baran’s translation. Her poems have also appeared in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, India, Israel, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, Mongolia, Romania, Slovakia, and Taiwan. The poem "The Eye of John Keats in Rome" received the first prize at the international competition in Sarajevo "Seeking for a Poem" for the year 2012. In 2013, the poet received the second prize “Menada” at the international festival of poetry DITET E NAIMIT.

Music lyrics

Lenkowska is the author of lyrics recorded by Beata Czernecka from “Piwnica pod Baranami” and rock musicians Zbyszek Działa and Paweł Czachur. She is a member of the Association of Polish Writers, ZAiKS, POETAS DEL MUNDO and LAI. She lives in Rzeszow.
