
Kryptonita is a 2015 Argentine action-drama fantasy film co-written and directed by Nicanor Loreti and starring Pablo Rago, Lautaro Delgado, Juan Palomino and Diego Capusotto and based on the novel of the same name by Leonardo Oyola. The story uses Elseworlds' famous structure of alternative stories to adapt DC's Justice League superheroes to a suburban setting in Argentina, where Superman and his team are a gang with a low class background battling a corrupt police force and local versions of Doomsday and the Joker. It was officially released in the 2015 edition of the Mar del Plata International Film Festival.
After the success of the film, it was announced that the story would be adapted as a TV series sequel for the Argentine cable television channel Space. The series is titled :es:Nafta Súper|Nafta Super and it premiered on November 16 of 2016. Nafta Super is a direct sequel to the film, picking up a few months after the story for Kryptonita ended, and with most of the original cast returning for a total of eight episodes.


In an alternative world, Superman has not been raised as a child in the United States, but instead in La Matanza, a working-class urban area near Buenos Aires, where he and the other members of the Justice League have grown up to become antiheroes. Superman becomes known as "Nafta Super", and together with his friends they form the Nafta Super Gang, who rob banks and help the poor people in the city of La Matanza -a partido located in the urban agglomeration of Greater Buenos Aires - by giving them the stolen money.
Nafta Super and his gang are enemies with another gang lead by a bald gangster, and also fight corrupt elements of the Bonaerense police which are seeking to stop their "Robin Hood" ways. One night, Nafta Super is badly hurt by a piece of kryptonite and is taken by his gang to a Hospital, where his life is saved by a terrified doctor. Shortly after, the Bonaerense police appears looking for Super's capture -or even better, his death-, aided by Corona, a scheming negotiator, and Turtle Head, a powerful member of GEOF Special Operations.
