Kristoffer Nilsen Svartbækken Grindalen

Kristoffer Nilsen Svartbækken Grindalen was a Norwegian criminal, killer and thief. He was born at the crofter's farm Nordre Svartbækken in Elverum, and spent 41 years of his life in prisons. He was convicted for a murder and robbery near Ekrumstormyra in Løten in 1875, and was beheaded by axe at the site of the murder in 1876, witnessed by estimated 2,500 spectators, in the last public execution in Norway. Moments before his beheading he confessed to the murder.
Henrik Sørensen's painting Svartbækken from 1908, inspired by the incident, was much discussed, but is regarded as Sørensen's breakthrough.