Kristian Hamon

Kristian Hamon is a Breton and French historian whose work focuses on collaboration in Brittany during World War II.

Career in journalism

After a brief membership of Jeune Bretagne, which he denounced as right-wing, he joined the Breton Communist Party in 1973. At the end of the 1970s, he joined Canard de Nantes à Brest, worked for Libération in 1981, and then Lyon-Libération. At the end of the 1980s, he joined the daily newspaper the Var-Matin. He also worked for a spell in publishing.


He later returned to his studies, studying his master's on the German Occupation of France, receiving permission to study the department archives of Ille-et-Vilaine and focusing on the activities of the Parti national breton penduring the Second World War. His writing has been described as giving "an uncompromising picture of the political collaboration of the National Breton Party during the war" which "have received a rather cold reception in some parts of the Breton movement".
