Komunistishe fon

Komunistishe fon, also known as Komfon, was a Soviet Yiddish newspaper published in Kiev 1919–1924. The newspaper was the result of the merger of two previously non-communist newspapers, Naye tsayt of the Fareynikte party and the Folkstsaytung of the Bund party. Kommunistishe fon was the organ of the Komfarband, and later became the organ of the Main Bureau of the Jewish sections of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
Henekh Kazakevitch was the editor of Komfon. Between the 9th and 10th party congresses, 268 issues of Komfon were published. It had a circulation of around 2,000 at the time of the 10th party congress.
Komfon organized live newspaper readings with musical concerts. These events would attract 200-300 workers. Kazakevitch was known as a good public speaker at these events.
Komfon was one of two main Soviet Yiddish publications at the time. It was later replaced by the Kharkov-based Shtern.