Kolal school

Kolal School is a public school for grades 0 through 8 in Kolal, Debre Nazret, Dogu’a Tembien, Tigray, Ethiopia.


The Kolal School has 7 class rooms.
As of 2018, the school had 294 students, 127 girls and 167 boys.
There were:
In 2018, water was not available at the school.
The school had a roof water harvesting, but it was damaged.
There were no specific facilities for girls handling menstrual hygiene; this is a major reason for adolescent girls dropping out from school.
Up to 2018, there was a small toilet building, in poor condition.
In 2019, the School WatSani project has built an Ecosan toilet building at this school.
Through nudging approach, the students are sensitised for using the sanitation and water facilities.


All children travel to school on foot. Many students will walk more than an hour, twice a day, to come to school.

Other challenges

The smaller children often miss school because of fear for hyenas on the way.