Kohler family of Wisconsin

The Kohler family of Wisconsin is a family notable for its prominence in business, society, and politics in the US state of Wisconsin during the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Its members include two Governors of Wisconsin, and the founder and executives of Kohler Co., a Wisconsin-based manufacturing and hospitality company.

Family tree

The following chart uses a modified d'Aboville numbering. The redundant leading 1 has been omitted. The generation is shown by the number of digits in the descendant's index number.
  1. Child
  2. Grandchild
  3. Great-grandchild
  4. Great-great-grandchild
In the chart, direct descendants of John M. Kohler II are indicated with a blue or yellow background. Persons with Wikipedia biographies are indicated with a heavy border with a blue border for a deceased person and a green border for a living person.

List of notable members

Chronological by birth: