Kohl Children's Museum

Kohl Children’s Museum of Greater Chicago is a children's museum in Glenview, Illinois that provides a hands-on learning laboratory for children ages birth to 8. Located on an site, including a museum building and a outdoor exhibit space, the museum features exhibits and programs aligned to the Illinois State Learning Standards and designed to make learning fun and interesting for young children.


The museum is equally available to guests with any level of physical, visual, auditory, or cognitive challenge. All public areas are 100% ADA-compliant. The facility and all exhibits have been designed using the principles of universal design, which go beyond accessibility with an approach that uses multi-sensory experiences as educational tools. These experiences allow all guests with any level of physical, visual, auditory, and cognitive ability to experience the Museum and its offerings.

Green building

Kohl Children’s Museum has created an environmentally friendly, energy-efficient facility that has earned Silver-level certification as a LEED building from the U.S. Green Building Council.
Signage and activities provide children and families with hands-on learning opportunities about environmental concerns in both the indoor and outdoor exhibit spaces, accessible year-round.


Kohl Children’s Museum houses 17 hands-on, interactive exhibits.


Around 350,000 people visit Kohl Children’s Museum each year. The museum has over 7,500 member families.

Outreach programs

For many years, the museum has reached out to underserved and at-risk communities through its Early Childhood Connections program, working primarily with Chicago Public Schools. The museum is now able to offer its programs to families in the nearby village and city of Wheeling and Waukegan and has also developed outreach programs on anti-bias initiatives and healthy lifestyles in 2007 and 2008.