Kobold Quarterly

Kobold Quarterly was a roleplaying game magazine created by Wolfgang Baur and published by Open Design LLC.


It was published four times a year and focused on the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game system. The headquarters of the magazine was in Kirkland, WA.
The magazine occupied the gaming market niche once served by the Dungeon and Dragon magazines, and included interviews with game designers as well as supplemental game material. As of 2011, the magazine had three editors, including editor-in-chief Wolfgang Baur.

Publication history

On May 21, 2007 before Paizo Publishing's publication of their final print magazine — Dragon #359 — Wolfgang Baur announced that he was working on a new magazine for gamers, and Open Design soon published the first issue of the 3.5E/d20 magazine Kobold Quarterly. The first issue of the magazine was published in 2007. The small print run of Kobold Quarterly #1 sold out in September, and Kobold Quarterly #2 was printed in full-color and was produced in larger quantities and made available in game stores.
Kobold Quarterly #23 was produced in October 2012, and on November 16, 2012, Baur announced that he was closing down the magazine. The magazine ended publication with issue #23, Fall 2012.


The magazine has won multiple ENnie Awards.