Knowing God

Knowing God is a book by the British-born Canadian Christian theologian J. I. Packer, and is his best-known work, having sold over 1,000,000 copies in North America alone. Originally written as a series of articles for the Evangelical Magazine, it was first published as a book in 1973, and has been reprinted several times. In 2006, the influential evangelical magazine Christianity Today listed it as 5th on their list of "The Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals"
In the book, Packer explores the character of God as revealed in the Bible, and correct Christian responses to it, with chapters on such topics as God's love, grace, majesty and wrath.


;*Part I: Know the Lord
  1. "The Study of God"
  2. "The People who Know their God"
  3. "Knowing and Being Known"
  4. "The Only True God"
  5. "God Incarnate"
  6. "He Shall Testify"
  7. *Part II: Behold Your God!
  8. "God Unchanging"
  9. "The Majesty of God"
  10. "God Only Wise"
  11. "God's Wisdom and Ours"
  12. "The Word is Truth"
  13. "The Love of God"
  14. "The Grace of God"
  15. "God the Judge"
  16. "The Wrath of God"
  17. "Goodness and Severity"
  18. "The Jealous God"
  19. *Part III: If God Be For Us -
  20. "The Heart of the Gospel"
  21. "Sons of God"
  22. "Thou our Guide"
  23. "These Inward Trials"
  24. "The Adequacy of God"


Foreign-language versions

has free study materials to assist in individual and group study of the book.