
Kladorub is a village in northwestern Bulgaria.
It is located in Vidin region, Dimovo Municipality.


floats near the village.


Kladorub lies upon the remains of an ancient village. The name of that village - Conbustica, is marked on the Roman road map Tabula Peutengiriana as a point, located on the road from Ratiaria to Naisos.
Thare also lies the remains of an ancient Roman war camp. There, in the first years of the Roman occupation, a stone fortification had been built.
Lots of Roman ceramics and metal objects have been found in excavations near the village.

Cultural and Natural sights

The Magura cave is located 6 kilometers west of the village.
The Belogradchik rocks are located 18 kilometers from Kladorub.


on Nordenskjöld Coast in Graham Land, Antarctica is named after the village.