
Kiszombor is a more than 800 years old village in Csongrád County, in the Southern Great Plain region of southern Hungary.


It covers an area of and has a population of 3795 people.
It is an agricultural village, near the Maros River.
There is a border-crossing point into Romania near the village, where the first village is Cenad.
There is a village-festival on the third weekend of September every year. A number of Hungarian artists appear, play, sing, dance and so on.

Sightseeing for visitors

In the village a number of old architectural heritage from the Romanesque art to Romantic art can be seen.


The rotunda was built in the 12th century with a circular ground plan outside and with sixfold arched inside. There are only 3 such churches in Europe, all 3 in the late Kingdom of Hungary, in the east part of it: Kiszombor, Gerény and Karcsa. Relatives of this rotunda-type could be found in the Caucasus. The frescos were painted in the 14th century and 18th century. In 1776 a rectangular church was attached to the rotunda, later in 1910 a big Roman Catholic Church was attached to it, the rotunda used to be their chapel.
Roman Catholic Church
It was built in Neoromanesque art in 1910 after demolishing the old church in Baroque art.


Rónay big mansion
It was built in Romantic art around 1858. There is a 3-storey rampart-like tower on the short west side. Its park was destroyed during the Communism in Hungary.
Rónay mansion
The mansion was built around 1835 in Classical art. Its designer is unknown.
The building was restored in 2005, showing its old beauty, and operates as a restaurant under the name .
Rónay Tibor mansion


Granary with portico
The building in Classical art was built around 1835. This granary designed and constructed with style is unique in Hungary.