Kisarazu Cat's Eye

Kisarazu Cat's Eye is a humorous Japanese television show and movie series. To date, there have been two Kisarazu Cat's Eye movies: Kisarazu Cat's Eye Nihon Series and Kisarazu Cat's Eye World Series.


The story follows a 21-year-old young man named Kohei in Kisarazu, a city in Chiba, Japan. Diagnosed with cancer he has 6 months to live, but instead of being depressed, he decides to make something of the time he has left.
The show focuses mainly on Kohei and his close friends: They grew up on the same high school baseball team. Kohei, known as Bussan to his close friends, forms the group "Kisarazu Cat's Eye" which also consists of Bambi, Master, Ani, and Ucchi. The theme of the group is based on a manga called Cat's Eye or キャッツ アイ. The friends, however, play baseball during the day while getting into mischief at night. Sometimes they solve life crises; mainly, however, they solve smaller, humorous problems.


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