List of Marvel Comics characters: K
Elloe Kaifi
Jennifer Kale
Noble Kale
Garrison Kane
Kang the Conqueror
Frank Oliver
Brian Hibbs
Karn is a member of the Inheritors from the Spider-Verse storyline who wanders the Multiverse to slay Spider Totems. He first appeared in Superior Spider-Man #32, and he was created by Dan Slott, Christos N. Gage and Giuseppe Camuncoli.During the hunt against the Master Weaver, he hesitates to deliver the finishing blow, leading to the death of his mother. As a result, he is condemned to wear a mask by his father Solus and exiled to hunt Spider Totems to earn his place back to the family.
A time-displaced Superior Spider-Man later discovered Karn. Assembling an army of Spider-Men, the Superior Spider-Man and his team ambushed Karn while hunting the Spider-Man of Earth-2818, but despite Karn continued to gain the upper hand, the Spider-Men only escaping when two of Karn's estranged siblings showed up and began fighting. Karn later joins the Spider-Men in their fight against the Inheritors.
Karn realizes that Master Weaver is his future self. He establishes a new team of multiversal spider-heroes called the Warriors of the Great Web, consisting of Mayday Parker, Spider-Ham, Spider-Man Noir,, and Spider-Gwen.
During the "Electroverse saga", an alliance of counterparts of Max Dillon invade Loomworld, damaging the great web while forcing the Web-Warriors to retreat to Earth-803. Karn and an alternate version of Doctor Octopus managed to fix the Web, but tangle it at the same time, causing the Web Warriors to become split between realities. Karn's reconnection of Earth-803 into the web also causes an earthquake that frees the Electros caught by the Web-Warriors.
During the ' storyline, Karn welcomes Kaine Parker, but soon realizes that he no longer has the powers of the Other and is now dying from a Carrion virus, and cannot go back to his Earth lest someone catch it. Karn shows Kaine a number of realities with zombie apocalypses caused by this disease, and Kaine decides to visit these realities to find a way to stop it. Kaine tries to keep himself hidden from the Web Warriors while researching, but is caught by Spider-Gwen.
During the "Spider-Geddon" storyline, each of the Spider-Men and the Master Weaver have been keeping an eye on Earth-3145 by sending different Spider-Bots to check on them, discovering that while alive, the Inheritors have gotten malnourished from lack of spider lifeforces. Unknown to the Spider-Men and apparently to the Master Weaver himself, the Inheritors are collecting the heads of the Spider-Bots with Jennix stating that they now have the resources they need. When Spider-UK and Master Weaver get alerted to an Inheritor Cloning Engine on Earth-616, the two of them figure out what is happening. On Earth-3145, Jennix has put the Spider-Bot heads to good use by harvesting their transmitters. As they are unable to send a kill signal to the Inheritor Cloning Engine, Spider-UK advises Master Weaver to call the Web Warriors. When Master Weaver states that nobody can fight the Inheritors and win, Spider-UK states that they'll die trying to keep another world from being destroyed. Karn is then confronted by Verna for having sided with the Web Warriors as they fight to the death. After Karn stabs Verna, she still feeds on him as he is now a Spider-Totem. When Karn's dead body is found by Spider-Nor-Man, it is devoured by Spiders-Man of Earth-11580.
; Powers and abilities
Like the rest of the Inheritors, Karn has the ability to drain the life force from other beings through physical contact. Depending on the power of the individual he drains, his powers and vitality can increase substantially. He also has superhuman strength, speed, reflexes and durability. He has a staff that emits a unique energy signature capable of vaporizing people.
As the Master Weaver, Karn threads the Web of Life and Destiny, gaining dominion over various realities. He can open portals at his command or alter realities.
; Karn in other media
- Karn appears as a boss character in the video game Spider-Man Unlimited, voiced by Matthew Mercer.
- Karn appears in ' as a boss character.
- Karn's name can be seen in on Miles Morales's phone.
Karthon the Quester
Robert Kelly
Kelpie is one of the members that make up the new UK marvel team The Union. Kelpie represents Scotland in the UK team, however Kelpie's powers have yet to be announced.Kestrel
Khonshu first appeared in Moon Knight #1, and is based on the Egyptian lunar god Khonsu. He is a member of the Heliopolitan pantheon and the patron of the superhero Moon Knight. While Khonshu possessed Moon Knight during the hero's time with the West Coast Avengers, Khonshu was often shown as a largely benevolent god who wanted to assist the team. He was at times shown to be conflicted as to whether he should reveal his powers and what was worthy of it. He was able to effortlessly resist being controlled by the mutant The Voice.In other media
Khonshu will appear in the upcoming Moon Knight set in the Marvel Cinematic UniverseKIA
Kiber the Cruel
Kid Cassidy
Kid Colt
Blaine Colt
Elric Freedom Whitemane
Kid Kaiju
Kid Omega
Killer Shrike
Simon Maddicks
Aldrich Killian
Erik Killmonger
Kindred made his full appearance in Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 5 #5, but was retconned into being first mentioned in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #12. The character was created by Nick Spencer and Ryan Ottley based on a character mentioned by Peter David.Kindred was an as-yet-unnamed human who went to hell and degenerated into a Demon. Since he had an unknown history between Peter Parker, he began torturing Mysterio, until the latter agreed to serve Kindred. This led to Kindred resurrecting him, but Mysterio would forget the bargain.
Kindred was aware about Ero's plan about Spider-Man and attempted to use Mysterio in order to convince the Spider-Totem to ally with him, but the totem refused.
Kindred approached Mendel Stromm and prepared to give him a Master Mold that specializes in creating Tri-Sentinels. After Spider-Man takes control of the Tri-Sentinels, Mendel Stromm is visited by Kindred. He states that Stromm's usefulness has ended and tears him apart with his centipedes. When Spider-Man is restored to one person following the fight against the Tri-Sentinels, he finds Stromm who quotes "Guess my name" before shutting down.
In his actual appearance, he is seen threatening Kingpin to not harm Boomerang's roommate Peter Parker. He kills Fisk's associates using supernatural abilities and forces him to back off of Spider-Man after revealing that he is in possession of Vanessa's soul.
Kindred later discovered Spider-Man's rekindled friendship with Black Cat and claims that Peter "drags everyone into his own Hell."
During the "Hunted" storyline, Spider-Man had a vision of Mary Jane being killed by the Demon. As it turned out, Kindred was, in fact, watching over Mary Jane commenting on her to his centipedes, with one of his centipedes injuring Mary Jane.
Kindred resumed tormenting Mysterio and came to him during a therapy session between "Mysterio" and "Dr. Ludwig Rinehart", in actuality, Mysterio as the doctor who had convinced his own doctor that he was instead Mysterio. When Kindred sensed that Peter Parker was dreaming about this scene, he killed the doctor posing as Mysterio, since he knew about Kindred's name. After killing Dr. Reinhart, Kindred directly threatened Peter that he will get his revenge on him. After Peter woke up, Kindred accused the real Mysterio that he was continually running from his purpose and then hands over a script to Mysterio in order to execute his plan while telling him to stick to it. He is then shown in front a wall covered with photos of Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Superior Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Ghost Spider, Silk, and Scarlet Spider.
During the "Absolute Carnage" storyline, a flashback showed that Kindred had visited Norman Osborn in Ravencroft. He quoted that Norman looked down on the citizens of New York from his tower and states that he could have his centipedes rip him apart if he wanted them to. Kindred even made a reference to how he appeared in Mary Jane Watson's nightmares and how he won't be able to kill Spider-Man as Kindred states that he "already won a long time ago". In the rest of the flashback, Kindred sent one of his centipedes into Norman Osborn's head in order to save him from himself. Back in the present, Norman Osborn's Carnage form feels a scratching in his head as he tells Kindred to let him be the one to kill Spider-Man. He then turns his target towards Dylan Brock and Normie Osborn. As more of the flashback is shown, Kindred states to Norman that he will leave now and will return when Norman is himself again so that they can confront the truth together. As Kindred starts to leave, Norman's Cletus Kasady persona states to Kindred that he has a message for him from Norman who states that he is "so proud of him". Kindred takes his leave as Norman's Cletus Kasady breaks out in maniacal laughter.
In his hideout while still bothered by Norman knowing who he is, Kindred begins his next plot against Spider-Man by reviving Sin-Eater.
Hannibal King
King Bedlam
Bullseye's Father
Pryor Cashman
Roderick Kingsley
Laura Kinney
Kirigi is a fictional ninja assassin appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. After being resurrected by The Hand, he works as an operative for the group. He is extremely strong, and is both a weapons master and an accomplished martial artist with an ability to use a form of meditation that allows him to recover from otherwise-mortal wounds. Kirigi first appeared in Daredevil #174-176, and was created by Frank Miller. The character subsequently appears in Daredevil #187-188.Kirigi appears in the 2005 film Elektra as the main antagonist, portrayed by Will Yun Lee. Kirigi was considered to be used for season one of the live-action series Daredevil but gets replaced with Nobu Yoshioka.
Kiwi Black
Kly'bn is a fictional deity created by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente and first appeared in Incredible Hercules #117, while being first mentioned in Runaways Vol. 2 #14 in contrast to his wife Sl'gur't who first appeared in Fantastic Four Annual #24 of July, 1991.Millions of years ago, after the Celestials had created the Skrull Eternals, Deviants and Prime, the Deviant Skrulls wiped out the other two branches believing that they themselves were the superior branch, leaving only one member of each wiped branch. Kly'bn was the last Skrull Eternal, who convinced the Deviant Skrulls and their Queen Sl'gur't that killing him would be killing themselves, as he was the embodiment of the idea of the Skrull and it was his destiny to lead the Skrulls into changing the other worlds with their truth. Sl'gur't embraced his ideas and became lovers with the two becoming gods of the Skrull Pantheon. Since Kly'bn was unable to shapeshift, Sl'gur't vowed to never keep her form for too long in contrast to her husband. The couple together wrote the Book of World Skrull, where there was written three prophesies. These prophesies told about the eventual destruction of the Skrull homeworld and about Earth being the new home for the Skrulls. These prophesies were the main reason of the events of "Secret Invasion", being a holy war for the Skrulls. When the God Squad arrived at their fortress via Nightmare's realm, Kly'bn and Sl'gur't were forced into battling them. Sl'gur't was eaten by the Demogorge, but since she represented multiple different deities, the Demogorge exploded due for being too much. Sl'gur't then started a shapeshifting battle against Amatsu-Mikaboshi, with them copying each other. Eventually, Mikaboshi in Sl'gur't form killed Sl'gur't who was in Mikaboshi's form, allowing him to replace her. After, Kly'bn killed Ajak, Hercules started battling Kly'bn. Hercules was able to defeat Kly'bn, after Snowbird impaled him with the spine of the Demogorge.
Kly'bn reappeared as one of the dead deities serving Amatsu-Mikabosi during "Chaos War".
The Knave
Misty Knight
Amiko Kobayashi
Amiko Kobayashi was created by Chris Claremont and John Romita Jr., and first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #181. Amiko found herself orphaned when she and her mother were caught in a battle between the X-Men and a dragon. Discovering the dying woman and her young daughter, Wolverine promised that the girl would be raised as though she were his own child. In the limited series Wolverine: Soultaker, Amiko discovered that her mother belonged to a family of warriors called the Shosei and now spends time with them trying to improve her martial arts skills, and hoping to make her adoptive father Logan proud of her.Kobik
Kobik is a physical manifestation of a Cosmic Cube in the Marvel Comics universe.The character, created by Chris Bachalo, first appeared in Marvel NOW! Point One Vol 1 #1.
Within the context of the stories, Kobik originated from a S.H.I.E.L.D. project using fragments of Cosmic Cubes. The pieces merge into a single being that adopts the form of a child. Kobik becomes a member of the Thunderbolts.
During her time affiliated with S.H.I.E.L.D., Kobik is involved in the Pleasant Hill project, where supervillains are taken to a pre-created town and brainwashed to act as normal civilians. At the same time, Kobik comes into contact with the Red Skull, the Cube's past experience with the Skull giving her a certain attachment to him. Using his influence on her, the Skull is able to convince her of Hydra being a noble organization. Kobik later makes contact with the elderly Steve Rogers during a stand-off where his life is in danger, and as a consequence of the Skull's manipulation, she not only reverts him to his youthful state but also rewrites his history so that he has been a Hydra sleeper agent since childhood. As Hydra's "Secret Empire" rises to power in the United States, Kobik begins to regretfully rewrite Rogers' mind, but it is revealed that the memory of his original, good conscious has remained hidden in her mind. The original Steve Rogers tries to convince Kobik to undo her mistakes, but she believes it is too late and is frightened of Hydra Rogers. Making things worse, in the real world Arnim Zola implants a Cosmic Cube into Rogers' physical body during the Resistance's hopeful raid on Hydra's main base, led by Sam Wilson. However, the good Rogers manages to get through to her, and eventually, they are both saved by Bucky Barnes and Scott Lang, who takes away Hydra Rogers’ ability to use both the Cosmic Cube and Mjolnir, allowing the real Captain America to defeat his mind-altered self. After Hydra Rogers is defeated, Kobik restores the history of the world, although she leaves some aspects intact from the Hydra-created reality.
Eric Koenig
New Men
Melati Kusuma
Korath the Pursuer
Sea monsters
Daniel Whitehall
Jake Fury
Krakoa was originally depicted as a very small island in the Pacific Ocean that was located close to where some nuclear bombing tests were done. The radiation somehow mutated the island's ecosystem into a hive-mind entity. Sergeant Fury and his commando team were accidental witnesses to the bomb drop which created Krakoa in early 1945, and soon afterwards crashed on and encountered the island's collective intelligence, with whom they arranged a peaceful parting in exchange for keeping its existence a secret.However, Krakoa later became hungry for the unique life energy created by mutants. It was responsible for the deaths of a team of young mutants, composed of Petra, Sway, Darwin and Kid Vulcan, from a parallel X-Men team led by Moira McTaggart. It was later able to capture the original X-Men, which led to the subsequent formation of the new team of X-Men. The new X-Men team found the original X-Men and by using her powers, Polaris was able to launch Krakoa into outer space.
Krakoa was later apparently found and captured for study by the cosmic entity known as The Stranger, as seen when Quasar visited one of his 'laboratory worlds'. Krakoa was eventually freed along with many other specimens and was last seen orbiting around Earth until the energy wave from M-Day and the Collective awakened Vulcan. It is also revealed that before it was shot into outer space, Krakoa released several spores from itself, which later plagued the X-Men.
The spawns of Krakoa
There had been different spawns of Krakoa:Vega Superior
The first known spore was Vega Superior, who took control of an island, later christened Wagner's isle, whose inhabitants began to worship him. When Nightcrawler crashed his plane there, he found Vega-Superior in the caves under the island, who had inherited his father's memories of the X-Men's genetic code, including that of Nightcrawler. He tries to choke Nightcrawler, but the latter manages to escape. He makes versions of the X-Men which Vega-Superior dubs the Vega-Men, out of natural materials, such as a Colossus made of stone, a Wolverine of ice, an Angel made of leaves and vines, a Nightcrawler made of mud and a Cyclops that shoots lava. However, they are much weaker than the original X-Men, and Nightcrawler easily defeats them all. Vega-Superior then chases him into the ocean before realizing he cannot swim.Krakoa II
Another spore of Krakoa took control of a construction site on a tropical island, and was discovered and defeated by the Young X-Men when they were investigating the disappearance of 56 construction workers.Krakoa/Brood Hybrid
Another spawn of Krakoa would be fabricated by the anti-mutant tech genius Kaga, creating his own hybrid out of Brood DNA to attack the X-Men at a later date. Eventually, the creature was cut down in the dawn of its conception by Cyclops in one shot.Krakoa III/X-Men's Krakoa
Later when Wolverine and some of the X-Men splintered away from Cyclops' group, it is discovered that Beast has built the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning on top of a "male" spawn of Krakoa. After Quentin Quire manages to reason with him, the Krakoa spawn contacts Rachel Summers who ends up translating for him when Rachel tells Wolverine that the Hellfire Club made Krakoa attack them and that he is a mutant like the X-Men. Rachel discovered that this Krakoa was grown by Hellfire Club member Maximillian von Katzenelnbogen in his artificial supergarden. When Rachel mentions that Krakoa keeps apologizing and wants to join the X-Men, Wolverine ends up letting Krakoa stay as a part of the school. Not soon after the school began having money difficulties, it is Krakoa who solves the school's financial problems by growing great quantities of giant diamonds on the trees he produces. Krakoa's school grounds, the Bamfs, and Doop were able to prevent Swarm from invading the Jean Grey School. After the Terrigen Mists were released into the Earth's atmosphere and began causing the M-Pox plague which was deadly to mutants worldwide, the X-Mansion was moved to the dimension of Limbo where it acted as X-Haven. Krakoa was not part of the displacement and moved his bio-matter offshore to function as an independent island in the Pacific Ocean. After Kid Omega, whom was his only companion for a time, returned to the Xavier School on Thor's suggestion. Krakoa came back to New York searching for him as the son of the living island missed his friend.Mister Sinister's Krakoa
Mister Sinister had also obtained a few Krakoa Spores and like Maximillian von Frankenstein, was able to mass-produce the Krakoa consciousness, Essex even turned one into a mobile castle in his underground city. It was however burned down by the Phoenix Five.Hellfire Club's Krakoa
Soon afterward it was revealed that Maximillian von Frankenstein had been able to mass-produce Krakoa's consciousness and created several volcanic Krakoas to act in defense of the Hellfire Academy, but were all killed in battle against the X-Men.Becoming a sovereign nation for mutants
During the "House of X and Powers of X" stories, Krakoa somehow was returned to Earth and has blossomed and grown, apparently by absorbing its spawns. It is revealed that Professor X approached Krakoa and took his time and efforts to apparently bring forth the true entity of the island as he reveals to Cypher that he eventually made a telepathic connection with Krakoa to the point that the relationship of mutant island and mutant man has only grown. More so, when Cypher communed with Krakoa at Xavier's urging, Krakoa related its past. Long ago, in ancient times, there was a larger landmass called Okkara, which was attacked by an enemy that came from its core wielding a weapon known as the Twilight Sword. During the attack, Okkara was split into two separate creatures, Krakoa and Arakko. This act seems to have created some sort of portal to a Hellish dimension, and demons poured out into the world. Apocalypse arrived with his First Horsemen and were able to thwart the attack by sealing of the chasm and isolating Arrako from Krakoa. The horsemen were sealed alongside Arrako on the other side of the chasm, to the sorrow of Krakoa. As time passed, a mournful and lonely Krakoa eventually became inert until being reawakened in early 1945 due to testing from the Americans nuclear bomb drop. Krakoa would be later transformed into a sovereign nation state for mutants led by Professor X and would produce flowers with the ability to grow in mere hours, full "Habitat" structures which are self-sustaining environments that are a part of the interconnected consciousness of Krakoa, that served as embassies around several countries on Earth, the Blue Area of the Moon, the Green Area on Mars and beyond the solar system, all the while remaining connected to its hive mind via Gateways, which provided ways to instantly travel from one part of Krakoa to another. The gateways can only be access by mutants but if a mutant brings a human with them voluntarily, that human must ask for permission from Krakoa to use the gateway. The flowers also create No-Place, a habitat that exists outside the collective consciousness of Krakoa and where Moira MacTaggert has been hiding herself. Even Krakoa does not know this place exists. Krakoa is also the only place in the world to have special pills that extend human life by five years, a "universal" antibiotic and a cure for "disease of the mind, in humans". Additionally, while Krakoa's main body lies in the Pacific Ocean not far from Australia, another large landmass of it exist in the Atlantic Ocean which is also connected in the same way as the "habitats" to the hive mind.The government of Krakoa is headed by the Quiet Council, composed of Charles Xavier, Magneto, Apocalypse, Exodus, Mister Sinister, Mystique, Emma Frost, Sebastian Shaw, Katherine Pryde, Jean Grey, Storm, Nightcrawler, the living island Krakoa and Cypher and an organization called the Great Captains led by Cyclops and consisting of Magik, Bishop and Gorgon. Thanks to telepathic manipulation by Emma Frost, the vast majority of the world recognized Krakoa and established diplomatic/trade ties with the exceptions of Wakanda, Atlantis, Azania, Canaan, Kenya, Honduras, Brazil, Santo Marco, Terra Verde, Venezuela, Iran, Madripoor, North Korea, Latveria, and Russia due to political, ideological and/or because they belong in the Wakandan Economic Protectorate.
More so, Emma Frost was allowed to carve out a piece of Krakoa so she could be given a private kingdom for herself outside the coast of the bay-area. Likewise, Bar Sinister, though not part of Krakoa, was added to its landmass with Flowers of Krakoa that modify the former secret base of Mister Sinister into a Krakoan Habitat, a diplomatic biome interconnected with the island nation's collective consciousness.
Cypher also developed their own mutant language – Krakoan – which is psychically implanted when mutants come to the island and created an entire system to manage the traffic of the Krakoan network which is overseen by Sage and since the island itself is sentient, Black Tom's plant-manipulating abilities gave him a unique bond that connected him to the island and all of its surrounding plant life. The subsequent connection meant an expansion of his field of awareness to include the plankton and kelp in the surrounding sea and the bacteria and spores floating in the air itself. In total, Black Tom's plant-based awareness gives him a 25-mile radius of acute sensitivity to all that enters and exits the island nation.
Also, Krakoa's current achievements come at a steep price. To sustain itself, Krakoa must consume two mutants a year or take in other forms of mutant energy through a more sustainable workaround. Since Krakoa became home base for an ever-growing number of mutants, the island can sustain itself by taking a minimal, theoretically harmless amount of psychic energy from every mutant on its shores. That process is tightly monitored by two mutant "psychic vampires", Selene and Emplate.
However, even with the island's considerable defenses, it seems Krakoa is still vulnerable. The first major attack on Krakoan soil is made by a shadowy anti-mutant group who were able to easily bypass Krakoa's defenses by capturing Domino and faking her bio signature, and while Black Tom's connection to Krakoa and its defense systems proves to be so advanced that Tom becomes alerted to the invasion before even the resident psychics Jean Grey and Charles Xavier himself, the attack nevertheless causes the death of several mutants.
Another attack was made by a small band of eco-terrorists, known as Hordeculture, who proved capable of disrupting Krakoa's ecosystem by hacking Krakoa's biology and access its gates, which started taking a toll on the island's residents. Beyond some unusually aggressive wildlife and a minuscule decrease in landmass, Jean Grey, Emma Frost and the other telepaths on the island have already noticed that Krakoa is taking more psychic energy than normal.
Later a strange and mysterious island with a large volcano suddenly appeared off the coast of Krakoa making the island to change course and head towards it. With Doug Ramsey off-world, communication with Krakoa is difficult, if not impossible, so Cyclops enlisted Cable and Prestige, to investigate the new landmass. On arrival, they discover the large volcano contains glowing rainbow tentacles popping out of it and encounter thick jungle akin to the Savage Land and populated with otherworldly creatures and an equally otherworldy white, childlike being who identifies himself as a "Summoner of Arakko" and while the mysterious island itself was not identified by name, it appears to be a sliver part of the lost land of Arakko, Krakoa's other half. Summoners are nameless beings that are capable of drawing forth extradimensional beings between the dimension where Arakko is located and the land beyond the wild borders of Otherworld. After a misunderstanding with Cable, Prestige is able to give the Summoner knowledge of Krakoan, enabling communication. The Summoner explains that Krakoa and this island are in love.
As Krakoa approaches the strange island, the two islands reach out their floral tendrils and merged into a single much larger island which is now divided between the lush of Krakoa and the alien foreboding of the mysterious island which is named Arak Coral. The Volcano of Arak Coral is revealed to contain a portal to the dimension where Arakko is, which is not currently open.
Other versions
In the Ultimate Marvel reality, Krakoa is featured in issues of the Ultimate X-Men. Krakoa Island is south of Genosha and the shooting ground for Mojo Adams reality TV shows to execute mutants, such as Scheele's killer Arthur Centino aka Longshot.In What If?: Deadly Genesis, Vulcan's trip to Krakoa saw him kill the rest of the X-Men by accident before the island itself was jettisoned into deep space. Years later, it is discovered by the Silver Surfer, and analysis of the cavern with Sway's powers reveals what really happened to the original team.
Kraven the Hunter
Sergei Kravinoff
Alyosha Kravinoff
Ana Kravinoff
is a Cosmic Cube who first appears in Tales of Suspense #79, and as Kubik in Avengers #289. The concept was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and refined by Ralph Macchio. Kubik returns to Earth when attracted by an :wikt:anomaly|anomaly possessing a fraction of its power—revealed to be the robot the Super Adaptoid. The Adaptoid uses its abilities to "copy" Kubik's abilities and banishes the character, intent on creating a race in its own image. The Adaptoid, however, is tricked into shutting down by Captain America. Kubik returns and then removes the sliver of the original Cosmic Cube from the Adaptoid that gave the robot its abilities. Like all Cosmic Cubes, Kubik possesses the ability to manipulate extra-dimensional energy to alter reality to achieve virtually any effect. Upon reaching maturity, a cube takes on humanoid form with its behavior modeled after the individuals who have possessed it. Kubik's chest also displays a holographic representation of a Cosmic Cube.Shen Kuei
Shen Kuei, also known as "The Cat", was created by Doug Moench and Paul Gulacy and first appeared in Master of Kung Fu #38-39. He is a freelance espionage operative, and has been both an enemy and ally of Shang-Chi. He is a master thief whose skill in martial arts equals Shang-Chi's. The meaning of the character's name is both similar and opposite to Shang Chi's name.Kull
Marduk Kurios
Marduk Kurios is a demon character created by Gary Friedrich and Herb Trimpe. He first appeared in Marvel Spotlight #13 and was identified as "Satan." He is also presented as the father of the characters Daimon Hellstrom and Satana. Within the context of the stories, Marduk Kurios is a high level demon and ruler of one realm of Hell who has from time to time presented himself as "Satan" or "Lucifer". During the Fear Itself storyline, Marduk Kurios attended the Devil's Advocacy where they talked about the Serpent's actions on Earth. Marduk Kurios taunted Mephisto during this meeting.In other media
- On May 1, 2019, it was announced that a television series based on Kurios' child Daimon Hellstrom will premiere on Hulu in 2020. Titled Helstrom was announced to be produced by Marvel Television and ABC Signature Studios. Per initial reports, Daimon is the son of a serial killer and has a sibling name Ana. "The siblings have a complicated dynamic as they track down the terrorizing worst of humanity, each with their attitude and skills." The show runner and executive producer is Paul Zbyszewski.
Kurse was originally the most powerful of a race of Dark Elves and was known as Algrim the Strong He is coerced by the Dark Elf ruler Malekith the Accursed to fight the Asgardian God of Thunder and superhero, Thor. Malekith, however, betrays Algrim while he is fighting Thor, and in a bid to destroy the Thunder God orders that a pitfall beneath the two be opened. Thor saves himself courtesy of his mystical hammer Mjolnir, while Algrim falls into lava. Algrim's enchanted armor saves his life, but he is still critically injured and develops amnesia from the shock.Despite his amnesia, Algrim is left with an obsessive desire to gain revenge upon Thor. Algrim is later healed by the cosmic entity the Beyonder, who transforms him into the much more powerful being called Kurse, who is apparently twice as strong as Thor. The Beyonder transports Kurse to Earth to battle Thor, but Kurse mistakes Thor's ally Beta Ray Bill for Thor and battles him. Kurse then battles the juvenile superhero team, Power Pack. Thor dons his magical belt of strength to double his strength and confronts Kurse, however the Beyonder doubles Kurse's strength as well. With the assistance of Power Pack, Thor and Bill are able to overcome Kurse.
Kurse is made to realize that it was Malekith, not Thor, who is to blame for his suffering. The Beyonder then transports Kurse to Hel at Thor's suggestion, to frustrate Hela, the Goddess of Death. Kurse confronts and severely beats Loki, who had been disguised as Malekith. Drawing off, he leaves Loki injured and finds what he thinks is Balder the Brave, surrounded by legions of Asgardians. He barrels through them and slays his target, who turns out to be the true Malekith. After repenting, he is granted citizenship among the Asgardians.
He is designated as the guardian of the children of Asgard after he helped protect Volstagg's daughter and adopted sons during a plague, and loyally serves Asgard until the time of Ragnarok. At the time of Ragnarok, all the Asgardians apparently perish, with the exception of Thor.
Kurse is later captured by Malekith, who strips him of the armor. Algrim is sent to Nastrond Prison where he is forced to serve out the rest of the sentence of Wazaria, a former member of the League of Realms. Malekith forces Wazaria to don the armor, transforming her into the new Kurse. Before he is imprisoned, Algrim encourages his successor to kill herself the first chance she gets.
Waziria is a Dark Elf witch of the Dove Gut Tribe in Svartalfheim.When Malekith escaped from his imprisonment and attacked his village, he cut off Waziria's left arm when using her as a hostage when Thor and his fellow Asgardians arrived. After recuperating, Waziria joined up with the League of Realms to hunt down Malekith.
When the League of Realms split, only Waziria remained with Thor. During a meeting with the Dark Elf ruling council called the Council of the Unhallowed, Thor accused Waziria of being the traitor and that she gave Malekith the information to stay one step ahead of him, only for both to learn that it was Thor himself who had been bugged. Malekith then makes himself known. Before Malekith can kill Thor, the League of Realms showed up to help fight Malekith. The Council of the Unhallowed made the decision to side with Malekith. When the Congress of the Worlds planned to have Malekith rule Svartalfheim after he is done with his life sentence in Nastrond Prison, Malekith made Waziria his proxy while Malekith named Scumtongue his senator for the Congress of the Worlds.
After stripping Algrim of his armor, Malekith transformed Waziria into the new Kurse while Algrim takes Waziria's place in Nastrond Prison.
During the "War of the Realms" storyline, Kurse was present with Malekith as he begins his invasion on Midgard. She and Enchantress fight She-Hulk and Ghost Rider until Jane Foster slams Skidbladnir into Enchantress. After the Queen of Angels has no knowledge on why her soldier Fernande sided with Spider-Man and the League of Realms, Malekith states that he is leaving Kurse to assist her. In London, Volstagg controls the Destroyer Armor to defeat Kurse.
Kurse in other media
- Algrim appears in the animated direct-to-video film ', voiced by Ron Halder. His race was killed by Frost Giants after they were forced to ally with Surtur because Odin would not help them. He later steals Surtur's sword, which corrupts him. Algrim then tries to take revenge on Asgard. Ultimately, Asgrim is killed by Loki in a fit of rage.
- Algrim appears in ', portrayed by Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. He appears as a close subordinate of Malekith the Accursed, later being turned into the last of the Dark Elves' monstrous Kursed soldiers, augmenting his strength significantly while bonding the armor he wore at the time to his body. He is much stronger than Thor and has little difficulty in overpowering him in Svartálfaheimr, before being killed by Loki with the help of a Dark Elf grenade.
Video games
- Kurse appears as a mini-boss in the video game, ', voiced by Tom Kane.
- Kurse appeared as a group boss in '. He was featured in the 14th Spec-Ops.
- Kurse appears in Marvel Heroes.
- Kurse appears as a playable character in Lego Marvel Super Heroes, voiced by Andrew Kishino.
- Kurse appears in the iOS tie-in game , voiced by Dennis T. Carnegie.
K'ythri is fictional deity created by Warren Ellis and Carlos Pacheco and first appeared as a depiction along with his wife Sharra in Starjammers #1.According to the Shi'ar mythology, the two chief deities, K'ythri and Sharra, were the creators of the universe. At first, they were enemies to each other, but were then forced into marriage, in which they found love. At their day of marriage, K'ythri presented her the M'Kraan Crystal as their sign of love.
They were worshipped by the Shi'ar for millennia, until they were killed by Amatsu-Mikaboshi, but it seems that they had come back to life.
They were then convinced by Loki that they needed to force the new Thor to take part on their Challenge of Gods in order to prove their superiority. Even though they outscored Thor, thanks to their disposition to cause mass suffering in order complete certain tasks, the challenge's officiate Shadrak declared Thor as the winner, since she inspired the Asgardians gods to help her in defense.
Infuriated, they called upon "their sister" the Phoenix Force to destroy all reality, but with the help of Quentin Quire, Thor and the Asgardians appeased the Phoenix Force. Sharra and K'ythri were then imprisoned in Omnipotence City, since they had broken the divine law.