Kirchliche Hochschule Berlin

The Kirchliche Hochschule Berlin was a theological university in Berlin, Germany, from 1945 to 1992, a facility of the Protestant Church in Berlin, Brandenburg and Silesian Upper Lusatia.


The university dates back to 1935, when a Kirchliche Hochschule für reformatorische Theologie, Abteilung Dahlem was founded, following the model of the in Elberfeld by Hans Asmussen. The Berlin institution was founded by Martin Niemöller of the Confessing Church, after many theological faculties at state universities had been closed by the Nazi government, especially the Bonn faculty with Karl Barth.
The Kirchliche Hochschule Dahlem was banned by the Nazis in the year of its founding, but was run until 1941 illegally in Berlin-Zehlendorf. After World War II, the institution was reopened.
Professors of the Confessing Church included Hans Asmussen, Martin Albertz,, Franz Hildebrandt,. Among the alumni were and.
