Kiran Ahuja

Kiran Arjandas Ahuja is an American lawyer and activist who served as the Chief of Staff to the Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management from 2015 to 2017. She assumed that position after serving for six years as the director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. An India-born American, she has also been a lawyer with the United States Department of Justice and a founding director of a non-profit, the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum. In 2017, she became the Chief Executive Officer of Philanthropy Northwest.


Ahuja was raised in Savannah, Georgia and she and her family were immigrants from India. She started college at Emory University, but quickly transferred to Spelman College and then went on to the University of Georgia School of Law, earning her J.D. degree in 1998.
After school, she went to work for the Department of Justice, where she hoped to do civil rights work for the United States. Ahuja recalls that she found the pace of the DOJ to be too slow for her and left to create change through non-profit work.
Ahuja was the founding executive director of the National Asian Pacific Women's Forum. She worked there from 2003 to 2008, during which time she turned the NAPAWF from a volunteer organization, to one with paid staff.
Ahuja was appointed as the executive director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders on December 14, 2009. In this capacity, she has continued to work towards helping Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders access services from the United States federal government. Her work has included increasing health care for AAPI and also inter-agency cooperation between WHIAAPI and the Environmental Protection Agency to "address exposure to health toxins by nail salon workers," many of whom are Asian American. Other initiatives have been public to private, such as translating essential information about the Gulf Oil Spill for AAPI individuals still struggling with understanding English. Ahuja has also shared her own experiences, helping to "destigmatize depression and suicide when she opened up about her brother's suicide." Reappropriate stated that it was an important step towards ending "the stigma against mental illness among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
On June 6, 2014, Kiran Ahuja, as the Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, honored Yuri Kochiyama, on the White House website for dedicating "her life to the pursuit of social justice, not only for the Asian American and Pacific Islander community but all communities of color."
She is also a regular contributor to the Huffington Post.