King of Tokyo

King of Tokyo is a tabletop game using custom dice, cards, and boards, designed by Richard Garfield and released in 2011. A New York City-based edition, King of New York, was published in 2014. A new version of the game was released in 2016, with all new artwork and characters, as well as mutant monsters, gigantic robots and other creatures.


Players choose one of six monsters which comes with a scoring board. The winner is the first player to reach 20 points, or the only player to have any health.
Players throw 6 dice, and may reroll some of them as in the dice game Yahtzee.
Die faces are power, health, attack, 1, 2, and 3. With power dice, players collect power tokens to buy power cards with. With health dice, players outside Tokyo heal damage done to them. With attack dice, players outside Tokyo attack players in Tokyo, or players in Tokyo attack players outside. Three 1 dice score 1 point, three 2s score 2, and three 3s score 3. Any additional same-numbered die scores 1 additional point.


There are also many promo cards from Brokenbarr to Piecekeeper
