
Kilanavayal is a small village of terrace farmers in Mannavanur panchayat at the far eastern end of the Manjampatti Valley drainage basin in the Palani Hills. There is a road between Mannavanur and Kilanavayal. There is a trekking route from
Mannavanur via Keelanavayal to ManjampattI and Thalinji. It is in Kodaikanal block of Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu state, India. Altitude is at:.


Out of 124 households reporting income, the means of livelihood are: casual labour 37, sub sistence cultivation 31, artisan 56, salary 3.


Drinking water for 124 households is supplied from a source within an elevation of more than 50 meters, while water for 99 households is from less than 50 meters. There is a lack of sanitary latrine facilities. Out of a total of 124 homes: 67 use open defection, 54 use a group latrine with regular water supply, none use a clean group latrine with regular water supply and a regular sweeper and only 3 use a private latrine.


There is a Panchayat Union upper primary school here.
Out of 124 children 5–14 years old, 67 are working and not going to school, 56 are going to school and working and 1 is going to school and not working. Household literacy rate is 70%.