Kiev Tumbler

The Kiev Tumbler is a breed of fancy pigeon.

Yellow Kiev Tumbler

Origin: Kyiv, capital city of Ukraine.
Breeders of this breed can be found in Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia and most recently, Portugal. There are 1 or 2 breeders in France, but they have the show type of this breed and not the flying type, the one that should tumble.

Black Kiev Tumbler

Description: A flying breed that flies at a medium height and it should make 'tumbles'. It is long-faced, with a long beak. It is a slender, gentle pigeon. Size: Small, a little smaller than a normal homing pigeon ; weight from 210 to 250 grams.
Ornaments: Have a peak-crested and small-muffed legs. Its wings are carried upon the tail, which has a minimum of 12 rectrices and an oil duct.

Red Kiev Tumbler

Colors: The feathers of the head, breast, neck and feet are white; Including a frontal spot on the forehead, which should be of the same color as the rest of the body. Its eye is bull, with flesh-colored eye cere.
They are found in colors of Red, Yellow, Black, Blue Bar and other colors but the pigeon must always have
the same color markings on the body.