
Kibana is an open source data visualization dashboard for Elasticsearch. It provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on an Elasticsearch cluster. Users can create bar, line and scatter plots, or pie charts and maps on top of large volumes of data.
Kibana also provides a presentation tool, referred to as Canvas, that allows users to create slide decks that pull live data directly from Elasticsearch.
The combination of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, referred to as the "Elastic Stack", is available as a product or service. Logstash provides an input stream to Elasticsearch for storage and search, and Kibana accesses the data for visualizations such as dashboards. Elastic also provides "Beats" packages which can be configured to provide pre-made Kibana visualizations and dashboards about various database and application technologies.
In December 2019 Elastic introduced Kibana Lens product.