Kiambu County

Kiambu County is a county in the former Central Province of Kenya. Its capital is Kiambu and its largest town is Thika. Kiambu County borders Nairobi and Kajiado Counties to the South, Machakos to the East, Murang‘a to the North and North East, Nyandarua to the North West, and Nakuru to the West and has a population of 2,417,735.
The county is 40% rural and 60% urban owing to Nairobi's consistent growth Northwards. Kikuyu are the dominant tribe in the county.
In 2007, Kiambu District was subdivided in two: Kiambu East and Kiambu West. Kiambu West district took Limuru, Lari and Kikuyu divisions, with Limuru as its district capital.

Climatic Conditions

The county has an average rainfall of 1,200 mm. and mean temperature of 26 °C with temperatures as low in upper highlands areas of Limuru. The long rains starts in mid March to May and cold runs between July and August.


There is a total population of 2,417,735 of which 1,187,146 are males, 1,230,454 females and 135 intersex persons. There are 796,241 household with an average household size of 3.0 persons per household and a population density 952 people per square kilometre.
Gatundu North54,18955,6783109,870
Gatundu South60,38461,7145122,103
Thika East19,68819,264438,956
Thika West....1 2 0, 6 9 8125,10418245,820


Administrative and political units

Administrative Units

Administratively the county is divided into twelve sub counties, sixty county assembly wards, ninety seven locations and two hundred and fifty seven sub-locations. MOI

Electoral Constituncies

Dr James Nyoro is the governor of kiambu county following impeachment of Ferdinand Waititu over misuse of public office and corruption on 19 December 2019. Paul Kimani Njoroge Wamatangi has been senator since 2013 and he was rel-elected in 2017 general elections. is the second Women representative after and came into office in 2017 after defeating the the first Women representative.
Although the capital is Kiambu town, the executive conducts business from Thika town.
County Executive Committee comprises of:-
The Governor1
The Deputy Governor1
The County Secretary1
The CEC Members10



The legislature of Kiambu County is a unicameral County Assembly. It is composed of 60 elected Members of County Assembly from the sixty wards of the county and 27 nominated members. The members hold office for a five-year term each, renewable during the general election. The speaker and deputy speaker of the assembly are elected by the MCAs. The county Assembly is located at Kiambu town.


Kiambu High Court was established on 20 June 2016. As of 2017, it consists of a one-judge bench. It is temporarily located at Thika waiting for a permanent building to be constructed at Kiambu, the capital.

County Administration

The county has a county administrator who is appointed by the President of Kenya. He is not part of the county government but is a representative of the President to assist with matters of administration in the county with regards to the national government.


The are 1515 ECD centres 948 primary schools and 365 secondary schools. The county also has 33 Youth Polytechnics, 1 technical training institutions, technical institute of technology, 1 University.
ECD Centres552963151599,061
Primary schools476472948326,770
Secondary schools27194365116,366
Youth Polytechnics33033
Technical Training Institutes101
Adult Education Centres16501656128
Institutes of Technology101



The are a total of 505 health facilities, of this 108 are public, 64 are faith based and 333 are private health facilities. County has 2652 health personnel of different cadre with a doctor/population ratio of 1:6667, while the nurse population ratio is at 1;1110. The immunisation coverage is at 89% almost same with the national target of 90%.
HIV prevalence is at 5.6% below the national 5.9% and the county is ranked 6th in terms of HIV burden.
Health centres338041

Source Ministry of Health, County Government of Kiambu

Transport and Communication

The county is covered by 2,049.8Km of road network. of this 459 km is covered by earth surface, 1,075.8 km is murram surface and 515 km is covered by bitumen.
There are 19 Post Offices.

Trade and Commerce

There are 302 trading centres, 118 markets, 364 retail supermarkets, 5,813 registered businesses, 5807 licensed retail traders and 5,740 licensed wholesale traders.
Tatu city a special economic zone is an industrial park that is located in Ruiru sub-county. The county has quite a number of major industries such as gro processing industries are spread across the county and includes Farmers Choice Ltd, 25 Kenchic Co. Ltd, Brookside Dairies, Githunguri Dairies, Ndumberi Dairies, Limuru Milk and Palmside Dairies. Thika sub-county has 58 industries including Bidco Oil Industries, Devki Steel Mills, Broadway Bakeries and Kenblest Industry among others.

Constituencies/Sub Counties

The county has twelve constituencies/Sub-counties:
Kiambu County is within Greater Nairobi which consists of 4 out of 47 counties in Kenya but the area generates about 60% of the nation's wealth. The counties are:
AreaCountyArea Population
Census 2019
Cities/towns/municipalities in the county
Core NairobiNairobi County694.94,397,073Nairobi
Northern MetroKiambu County2,449.22,417,735Kiambu, Thika, Limuru, Ruiru, Karuri, Kikuyu
Southern MetroKajiado County21,292.71,117,840Kajiado, Olkejuado, Bissil, Ngong, Kitengela, Kiserian, Ongata Rongai
Eastern MetroMachakos County5,952.91,421,932Kangundo-Tala, Machakos, Athi River
TotalsNairobi Metro30,389.79,354,580
Source: /


Nairobi Metro



Wealth/Poverty Level


Central Kenya Region



Wealth/Poverty Level
