
Khazhi-Yurt, also known by Russian name Pervomayskoye, is a rural locality in Vedensky District, Chechnya.

Administrative and municipal status

Municipally, Khazhi-Yurt is incorporated into Guninsky rural settlement. It is one of the four settlements included in it.


Khazhi-Yurt is located in the mountainous forest zone of Vedensky District. It is located on the right bank of the Khulkhulau River, north-east of the village of Vedeno.
The nearest settlements to Khazhi-Yurt are Guni and Marzoy-Mokhk in the north-east, Agishbatoy and Mesedoy in the south-east, Zelamkhin-Kotar in the south, Tsa-Vedeno in the west, and Benoy in the north-west.


The village has a number of holy places associated with the life of Kunta-haji.
In 1944, after the genocide and deportation of the Chechen and Ingush people and the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was abolished, the village of Khazhi-Yurt was renamed to Pervomayskoye, and settled by people from the neighboring republic of Dagestan. From 1944 to 1957, it was a part of the Vedensky District of the Dagestan ASSR.
After the Vaynakh people returned and the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was restored, the village did not regain its former name, and kept the name Pervomaiskoye.
In 2009, the Chechen parliament renamed the village to Khazhi-Yurt, as part of the program "Culture of the Chechen Republic, 2008-2011". The Russian government did not recognize the name change, but the village is known by many today as Khazhi-Yurt.


According to the results of the 2010 Census, the majority of residents of Khazhi-Yurt were ethnic Chechens.