Khay Sett Thwin

Khay Sett Thwin is a Burmese actress and model. She is best known for her roles in television series A Yake and Hnin Si.

Early life and education

Khay Sett Thwin was on March 21, 1993 in Mandalay, Myanmar. She graduated from West Yangon University.


In 2012, she began starred in comedy-drama series Ywar. In 2013, she starred in comedy-drama series Flowers and Butterflies as the character Thadar alongside Kyi Zaw Htet, Kyaw Su, Soe Nandar Kyaw. The same year, she starred in comedy series Happy Beach alongside Kyi Zaw Htet, Kyaw Su, Min Tharke, Mone, Wint Yamone Naing, Myat Thu Thu and Zue Zue Zan. In 2017, she starred in drama series Sone See Chin Moe Tain Myar alongside Sithu Win and May Myint Mo. In 2018, she starred in drama series A Yake as the character A Mar Nyo alongside Net Khat, May Myint Mo, Hein Htet and Nan Sandar Hla Htun. In 2019, she starred in drama series Hnin Si as the character Hnin alongside Sithu Win.


Film (Cinema)