Khar Danda

Khar Danda is a village located on Salsette Island, in the Bandra district of Mumbai, India. This village is famously known for its massive fishing business, modern shipping dock, and traditional Indian homemade alcohol which is also known as Sara.
It is also an eponym to Khar Road. It is one of the oldest settlements in Mumbai and the original inhabitants of Mumbai have been living here for centuries.

Danda Havli

Khar Danda is also famous for an old tradition and festival named Varin Pada Holi, This is one of the first Hindu festival ever granted by the British -India government. The story begins when back in the olden days, the people of Khar Danda used to gather woods from Bandra for bushfire tradition. But once due to lack of funds and trees available in Khar-Bandra belt, the people started visiting neighbouring villages to gather wood which led to heated arguments and endless fights between locals, there is a tale that thereafter the goddess of Holi was impressed by the worship and faith shown by the village and appeared to a group of fishermen and stopped them from visiting other villages at the same time when the other villagers were out for wood hunt, she commanded that the whole village shall celebrate Holi 2 days before the actual date of Hindu Calendar so that there was sufficient wood for bushfire available to all the villages in the neighborhood. When the British officer Carter heard this tale, he was surprised and decided that to implement it in that village forever since 1921, Until then to now every here Holi is burnt 2 days before the actual date. Maharashtra Police are always the guest of honor present to celebrate along with the villagers.

COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

In the year 2020, the world was impacted by a pandemic that started in Wuhan, China. This led to countries going into lockdown and cities going shut.
With the help of BMC and Mumbai Police, Khar Danda sealed itself cutting out to others by barricading all entries and exit to the village. This protected the village from spreading of infection. Certain rules and norms have adhered and shops were allowed to open in a specific time bracket.
On 24th July 2020,the BMC declared Khar Danda region as green zone being the first in Mumbai