Kerinci Regency

Kerinci is a regency in Jambi province, on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. The regency has an area of. Kerinci Regency had a population of 229,495 at the 2010 Census and 234,912 at the 2015 Census. The regency seat is at Sungai Penuh, but this city is independent and not a part of the regency. Kerinci is located from Jambi City, the capital of Jambi Province.

Administrative districts

At the 2010 Census there were twelve districts, but four more were added in 2013. The sixteen districts currently forming the Regency are listed below with their areas and populations at the 2010 Censuses and according to the latest available estimates.
NameArea in
Census 2010
Estimate 2014
Gunung Raya347.6313,9287,957
Bukit Kerman212.9411,508
Batang Meringin476.4116,88711,475
Keliling Danau364.8421,96922,115
Danau Kerinci226.2615,74315,835
Sitinjau Laut58.0713,94314,114
Air Hangat210.8719,45611,143
Air Hangat Timur162.2917,45917,734
Depati VII
Air Hangat Barat14.158,449
Gunung Kerinci306.8711,60111,894
Siulak Mukai274.3111,179
Kayu Aro115.1739,30820,458
Gunung Tujuh157.6314,03614,922
Kayu Aro Barat206.6520,114
Total Regency3,328.42229,495234,003

The 2010 population of these new districts are included with that of the existing districts from which they were cut out in 2013.

Mount Seven Lake

Mount Seven Lake is the highest caldera in Southeast Asia at above mean sea level, with a lake area of. The mount is called Mount Seven because there are seven summits. Mount Seven is located in Kerinci Seblat National Park. The lake has a white sandy beach and Mount Seven Waterfall.