Kehsi Mansam

Kehsi Mansam was a Shan state in what is today Burma. It belonged to the Eastern Division of the Southern Shan States. Its capital was Kehsi town, located by the Nam Heng River. The state included 378 villages and the population was mostly Shan, but there were also some Palaung people in the area


Kehsi Mansam became independent from Hsenwi State in 1860. It was a tributary of Burma until 1887, when the Shan states submitted to British rule after the fall of the Konbaung dynasty.
Kehsi Mansam included the small substate of Kenglon, located in the southeastern part and almost totally encircled by Kehsi Mansam. In 1926 Kenglon State was incorporated into Kehsi Mansam.


The rulers of the state bore the title Myoza.