Kecamatan Tepus

Tepus is a subdistrict of Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The boundaries of Tepus Sub-district are Girisubo subdistrict in the east side, Semanu Subdistrict in the north side, Tanjungsari in the west side and the Indian Ocean in the South side.

Kelurahan (Administrative Village)

The subdistrict of Tepus is divided into Five Kelurahan or Administrative Villages:



Almost 90% of the villagers are Muslims. Islam grew slowly in the region and eventually became the only religion in this village.

Beach Tourism

There many beaches in this district, such as:
The village is passed by the provincial road link that connects East Java - Yogyakarta - Central Java - West Java - Jakarta via the south coast route. There is a mass transportation everyday from Daksinarga Terminal in Wonosari.