Kealoha (poet)

Kealoha is the first Poet Laureate of Hawaii and the first poet to perform at a Hawaii governor’s inauguration. He is an internationally acclaimed poet and storyteller who has performed throughout the world from the White House to ‘Iolani Palace and including hundreds of live venues. In 2010, he was honored as a "National Slam Legend" at the National Poetry Slam and was selected as a master artist for a National Endowment for the Arts program. In the genre of storytelling, he has gained national recognition by showcasing at events such as the National Storytelling Network Conference, the Bay Area Storytelling Festival, and the Honolulu Storytelling Festival.
He is of multi-ethnic heritage with Hawaiian, Chinese, and Caucasian descent. With a degree in Nuclear Engineering from MIT in 1999 , Kealoha has developed a poetic style that combines analysis with creative writing to investigate social, personal, and philosophical themes. He has worked for interscope records since 2001. He is the founder of HawaiiSlam, First Thursdays, and Youth Speaks Hawai`i.
Kealoha's work involves many focal themes such as nature, family, and culture, that can be found throughout all of his poetry. He is a proponent of "the spoken word" and believes it to be one of the most powerful tools that humans possess, saying "It makes us laugh and cry and wonder and empathize. It provides a mirror for us so we can see who we are as individuals and as a collective. It documents our beliefs and our many cultures through space and time. It expresses all facets of our humanity from the beautiful to the ugly. It shows us what is possible. It inspires us. It shifts our paradigms. It helps us grow." In fact, "the spoken word" is what inspired him to drop his life in Nuclear engineering and pursue poetry. It was exposure to slam poetry that made Kealoha rethink his path and return to Hawaii to pursue slam poetry.
His best known work is the performance poem Dichotomy , an identity piece that demonstrates conflicting arguments within the Native Hawaiian community. Written in 2004, Dichotomy has been used in classrooms throughout the state of Hawaii to spark debate and dialogue within Hawai`i's youth. Dichotomy debuted outside of Hawai`i in 2007 at the National Poetry Slam, helping Kealoha to place 8th individually out of over 350 of the world's best slam poets.
Other signature pieces include Recess, The Male Feminist, Destiny, Zoom Out, Chances, and most recently, "The Story of Everything".
Kealoha currently lives in Honolulu, and serves as HawaiiSlam's SlamMaster. He hosts the First Thursdays poetry slam at Fresh Cafe, which is the largest registered poetry slam in the world. He did nuclear fusion research, management consulting, and surf instructing prior to making a living as a professional slam poet in 2002.
His website can be found at and he can also be found at @kealohapoetry on instagram

Career highlights