Kate Doughty

Kate Doughty is an Australian paraequestrian and paratriathlete. She won a bronze medal at the 2015 World Triathlon Grand Final. She represented Australia at the 2016 Rio Paralympics when paratriathlon made its debut at the Paralympics.


Doughty was born on 13 August 1983. She was born without her right hand. Doughty has completed a master's degree in Organisational & Industrial Psychology at Deakin University. She is employed as a psychologist and management consultant in Melbourne. She is patron of the Aussie Hands Foundation Inc. Her father Anthony is a bookmaker in Melbourne.



Began riding horses at the age of six. Her parents were involved in the horse industry. Her equestrian achievements include:
Doughty competes in the PT4 classification. in 2015, she first competed in paratriathlon competitions. 2015 results include:
Doughty had the goal of competing at the 2016 Rio Paralympics and placed fifth in the Women's PT4 event. In reflection on her event she states "My aim is go out and do the best I can and to walk away knowing that I did everything I could do to execute my best on race day." Doughty also recalls "I've been wanting to come to the Paralympics and compete and I thought I'd be doing it on a horse. So doing it on my own legs was a shock."
At the 2019 ITU World Triathlon Grand Final in Lausanne, she finished sixth in the Women's PTS5.
