
Katanuki, literally diecutting in English, is an activity common at Japanese festivals in which a colored mold of candy made of wheat flour, starch, or sugar, is carved using a needle or toothpick in the shape of an animal, star, a cherry blossom, etc. Those who are able to skillfully carve the mold receive a prize.


The official name for katanuki is katanukigashi, "diecut candy", but it is commonly called katanuki or simply nuki. Although it is called diecut candy, it is not made for the purpose of eating. The raw materials are indeed foodstuffs, but because it is not distributed as food, and because it is a health hazard to consume and is not particularly appetizing, it is generally not eaten.
Katanuki was once a regular good carried in carts by tekiya on ennichi, but at present, this is becoming less common. A long time ago, it was a side-show at picture story shows.
Aside from carts, the molds are sometimes sold at small candy stores, though this is rare.