Kashmiri Hindus

Kashmiri Hindus are ethnic Kashmiris who practice Hinduism and are native to the Kashmir Valley of India.
The largest community caste of Kashmiri Hindus are the Kashmiri Pandits, who are divided into several gotras, such as the priests, astrologers, and workers. The majority of Kashmiris who belong to the kshatriya varna use the surname Gourtra. The Wani are historically Banias, with subcastes, such as the Kesarwani.
Under the rule of Sultan Sikander Butshikan in the 14th century A.D., many Kashmiri Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam. They began to leave the valley in much greater numbers in the 1990s during the eruption of militancy, following cruel persecution and threats by radical Islamists and militants.
With respect to their contributions to Indian philosophy, Kashmiri Hindus developed the tradition of Kashmiri Saivism.