Karl Tanera

Karl Tanera was a German military writer and novelist.


Tanera was born in Landshut. He entered the Bavarian army in 1866, took part in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, and was severely wounded during the siege of Paris. Having frequented the Kriegsakademie in Berlin, in 1877-80, he was detailed to the department of military history in the great general staff, in 1882, but retired as captain in 1887 to devote himself exclusively to his literary work. He died, aged 55, in Lindau.


To the collective work Der Krieg von 1870-71, dargestellt von Mitkämpfern he contributed vols, i., iii., v., and vii.; and next published Deutschlands Kriege von Fehrbellin bis Königgrätz. His novels, military sketches, essays and reminiscences of his extensive travels in the East and North Africa include: Durch ein Jahrhundert, Drei Kriegsgeschichtliche Romane ; Schwere Kämpfe ; Aus zwei Lagern, Kriegsroman ; Die Eurasierin ; Ernste und heitere Erinnerungen eines Ordonnanzoffiziers ; Offiziersleben in Krieg und Frieden ; Heiteres und Ernstes aus Altbayern ; Aus drei Weltteilen, Reiseskizzen ; Deutschlands Kämpfe in Ostasien ; and Eine Weltreise.