Kanyini (film)

Kanyini is a 2006 Australian documentary film, directed by Melanie Hogan, which explores the philosophy and the life of Bob Randall, an Aboriginal man who lived in Mutitjulu, a town beside the world's greatest monolith, Uluru, in Central Australia. Bob Randall is a 'Tjilpi' of the Yankunytjatjara people and a member of the Stolen Generations.


In Kanyini, Bob Randall shares his knowledge of Anangu wisdom, stories of his personal journey and he explores some of the reasons behind the struggles of Aboriginal Australians in modern Australia. Randall explains that when European Australians came to Australia, they broke the four Kanyini Principles that were an integral part of Anangu life. Tjuukurpa was broken when Europeans imposed their law on the Anangu, Ngura was broken when Aboriginal people were forced to move away from their homelands, Walytja was broken when the children of Randall's generation were removed from their family as part of the Stolen Generations and Kurunpa was broken when Aboriginal spirituality was replaced with Christianity. In explaining the loss of his Kurunpa, Randall notes the disconnect between the teachings of the Bible and the actions of the white men who professed them.

Kanyini Principles

is a Pitjantjatjara word meaning interconnectedness; caring, support, nurturing, and responsibility.
The four principles of Kanyini are:


A sense of belonging to home and land.


Family connecting with life.


Love, spirit or soul.


The belief about creation and the right way to live.
