Kano River

The Kano River is a 1st class river in Shizuoka Prefecture of central Japan. It is long and has a watershed of.
The Kano River rises from Mount Amagi in central Izu Peninsula and follows a generally northern path into Suruga Bay at Numazu. The Izu Peninsula is characterized by heavy rainfall, and the Kano River has a steep gradient with rapid flow and is prone to flooding. During a powerful typhoon in September 1958, the river caused heavy damage to towns along its banks, resulting in 1269 deaths.15 kilometres upriver from the river's mouth at Numazu, a flood diversion canal has been constructed to divert flood water into Suruga Bay. The canal is 2.9 kilometres in length with 200 metre and 850 metre long sets of triple tunnels.
The Jōren Falls, one of Japan's Top 100 Waterfalls is located in the upper reaches of the Kano River.