Kanhera Fort

Kanhera Fort / Kanhira Fort ( कान्हेरागड किल्ला is a fort located 65km from Nashik, Nashik district, of Maharashtra. The fort is situated on triangular plateau at the top of the hill.


This fort was under the control of Maratha empire before it was captured by British forces in 1818.

How to reach

The nearest town is Wani which is 44 km from Nashik. The base village of the fort is Kanherawadi which is 15 km from Wani. There are good hotels at Wani, now tea and snacks are also available in small hotels on the way. The trekking path starts from the hillock north of the Kanherawadi. The route is very safe and wide. There are no trees on the trekking route. It takes about an hour to reach the entrance gate of the fort. The night stay on the fort is not possible.

Places to see

The fort has a bastion carved out of stone and a natural rock hole. There 6 rock cut water cisterns on the fort but, the water is not potable.There is a rock cut cave facing the Dhodap fort.