
Kanakiya is a village / panchayat located in the Gir Gadhada Taluka of Gir Somnath district in Gujarat State, India. Earlier, until August 2013, Kanakiya was part of Una Taluka and Junagadh district. The latitude 20.832226 and longitude 70.896326 are the geo-coordinate of the Village Kanakiya. Gandhinagar is the state capital of Kanakiya village which is located around 400 kilometres away from Kanakiya.
According to Census 2011, with the 374 families, the population of this village is 2096. Out of this, 1015 are males and 1081 are females. Most residents are dependent on agriculture.


According to the 2011 census of India, Kanakiya has 374 households. The effective literacy rate is 75.76%
Children aged below 6 years223113110
Scheduled caste399192207
Scheduled tribe---
Total Workers1050602448
Main workers823535288
Main workers: Cultivators466288178
Main workers: Agricultural labourers23614690
Main workers: Household industry workers---
Main workers: Other12110120
Marginal workers 22767160
Marginal workers: Cultivators951679
Marginal workers: Agricultural labourers1154075
Marginal workers: Household industry workers---
Marginal workers: Others17116

List of villages in Gir Gadhada TalukaRevenue Code 1879"/>

Below is the Revenue records list of forty-three villages of Gir Gadhada Taluka including Gir Gadhada village.
  1. Ambavad
  2. Ankolali
  3. Babariya
  4. Bediya
  5. Bhakha
  6. Bhiyal
  7. Bodidar
  8. Dhokadva
  9. Dhrabavad
  10. Dron
  11. Fareda
  12. Fatsar
  13. Fulka
  14. Gir Gadhada
  15. Harmadiya
  16. Itvaya
  17. Jamvala
  18. Jaragli
  19. Jhanjhariya
  20. Jhudvadli
  21. Juna Ugla
  22. Kanakiya
  23. Kaneri
  24. Kansariya
  25. Khilavad
  26. Kodiya
  27. Mahobatpara
  28. Motisar
  29. Nagadiya
  30. Nava Ugla
  31. Nitli
  32. Panderi
  33. Rasulpara
  34. Sanosri
  35. Sanvav
  36. Sonariya
  37. Sonpura
  38. Thordi
  39. Umedpara
  40. Undari
  41. Vadli
  42. Vadviyala
  43. Velakot