
Kamauaua was the first known Alii Aimoku of Molokai, ruling either in the 11th or 13th century. He held sway over the island of Molokai, and was its first supreme king ruling it without any oppositions. Tradition has not preserved the pedigree of his family beyond that he was the progenitor, but his connection with ancient Nanaulu line is frequently affirmed.


His pride of his descent was great, and regarded with aversion and well-founded alarm for the new migratory tide which for year past has been casting upon the shores of the islands a flood of alien adventurers, whose warlike and aggressive chiefs were steadily possessing themselves of the fairest portion on the archipelago. These invaders were from the second migratory group from the Society Islands.
He had sought to form a league made of the native chiefs against intruders. But the wily invaders with their new religion to awe the masses and new customs and new traditions to charm the native nobility, had, through intermarriage and strategy rather than force, become virtual ruler of Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, and Kauai. Kamauaua abandoned all hope of seeing these new settlers supplanted.


The children of Kamauaua and his wife Hinakeha were: Kaupeepeenuikauila and Keoloewaakamauaua, Haili, and Uli-hala-nui. His eldest son gave up his right to succeed to his younger brother to seek a more adventurous life. His second son succeed him as king. His third son is recounted in legends as an ancestor of Kanikaniaula, one of the wives of Kakaalaneo of Maui and mother of the famous Kaululaau; of his fourth son nothing is known, but his name means "great dark pandanus".